
This package provides subclasses modifying the django-allauth views views in order to return valid return codes for use with Turbo. It uses the django-turbo-response package under the hood.

This package is required in order to provide allauth compatability with Turbo. Turbo form validation either setting the attribute data-turbo=”false” in the form, or returning a 4** response. This provides subclasses for the latter.

Disclaimer: the Hotwired/Turbo client libraries are, at time of writing, still in Beta. We expect there will be breaking changes until the first stable release. This package, and the Turbo client, should therefore be used with caution in a production environment. The version used in testing is @hotwired/turbo==7.0.0-beta.5.


This library is tested for Python 3.8+ and Django 3.0+.

Getting Started

pip install django-turbo-allauth

To install from Git:

git clone

cd django-turbo-allauth

python install

Note: This install does not include any client libraries (Turbo or Stimulus). You may wish to add these yourself using your preferred Javascript build tool, or use a CDN. Please refer to the Hotwire documentation on installing these libraries.

Make sure to add allauth.account and allauth.socialaccount to INSTALLED_APPS as per the all-auth installation instructions. If you wish to use the default templates, you should also add turbo_allauth before these two apps. You should also ensure turbo_response is added:


Finally add this to your url configuration:

urlpatterns = [
   path("account/", include("turbo_allauth.urls")),

This will also include all the allauth views.


This package provides subclasses and template changes for the existing allauth views. Currently these views will not work with Turbo as form validation requires returning responses with a 422 status if validation fails and a 303 on redirect.

The following subclasses have been added:

  • turbo_allauth.views.account.LoginView

  • turbo_allauth.views.account.SignupView

  • turbo_allauth.views.account.EmailView

  • turbo_allauth.views.account.PasswordChangeView

  • turbo_allauth.views.account.PasswordSetView

  • turbo_allauth.views.account.PasswordResetView

  • turbo_allauth.views.account.PasswordResetFromKeyView

  • turbo_allauth.views.socialaccount.PasswordSignupView

Please consult the django-allauth documentation on how to further customize your authentication workflows.

Indices and tables